Monday, April 5, 2010

The Eco-Community

Purpose: This Blogspot has been created for family and friends to follow us on our Woofing adventure around Europe. But it is also intended to be a recorded ledger of information we obtain, which could help us in our quest to catalyst an Eco-community of our very own. Our journey begins October 2010.

Eco-Community? We were first inspired by Transitional Towns, towns in Europe that, fearing the oil-crash that has already begun to be felt there, make efforts to ensure their continued survival. Among other things, the communities band together to grow local crops, and procure solar panels and wind turbines for future energy and food needs. They intend to 'transition' into being mainly self-sufficient. No such major efforts are being executed here in Canada. So we decided that we would try to copy this idea by making a so-called 'Transitioned Community.' A community built ground-up around the idea of self-sufficiency, Independence from the Grid, with the same benefits that modern society enjoys.
We later learned that this was generally called an Eco-community, and the Eco-communities network of Canada detailed a few such other groups around the country. By this time, however, we had already solidified the mission statements and goals that would make our community unique from others of the same class.
We intend to set an example of a step foreword for human society, not promote a regression to 'simpler times.' We will participate in technological advances, while still 're-skilling' our members in trades like pottery, carpentry, and weaving. We will be a group of people, without a leader or doctrine, working under the Canadian constitution and laws, and focused first on the happiness of the individual, and a close second on the cohesiveness of the community. And how we'll accomplish this, we have no idea. Yet. Idealistic? Probably, but if you're going to aim for the stars, you'll at least hit the sky.
So stay tuned for further posts, as we discover How to Start an Eco-Community!